I'm trying to have a url path display in a text view and marquee it on screen. But for some reason its no displaying. I'm think my code is correct.
Where i'm getting the url and coverting to string (this is in a service):
String path = ((PlaylistFile)playlistItems.get(currentPlaylistltemNumber)).getFilePath();
Log.d(TAG, "got the path");
//String[] path2 = path.split("/");
Log.d(TAG, "split the path");
artistInfoBOJ = path;
Log.d(TAG, "set to artist info boj");
I then create my text view in another class and link it to the text:
//artist info stuff
this.textView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.artistViewBOJ);
Log.d(TAG,"create the text view");
test = BOJAudioService.artistInfoBOJ;
Log.d(TAG, "set test = to string");
Log.d(TAG,"set text to text view");
what appears in my log cat:
开发者_如何学JAVA08-04 12:22:44.574: DEBUG/BOJAudioActivity(17287): create the text view
08-04 12:22:44.574: DEBUG/BOJAudioActivity(17287): set test = to string
08-04 12:22:44.574: DEBUG/BOJAudioActivity(17287): set text to text view
08-04 12:22:44.655: WARN/KeyboardStateImpl(253): EditorInfo provided is null or not valid, defaulting to dumb mode!
08-04 12:22:45.104: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17287): GC_CONCURRENT freed 95K, 50% free 2850K/5639K, external 2569K/2982K, paused 25ms+5ms
08-04 12:22:45.574: DEBUG/BOJAudioService(17287): got the path
08-04 12:22:45.574: DEBUG/BOJAudioService(17287): split the path
08-04 12:22:45.574: DEBUG/BOJAudioService(17287): set to artist info boj
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Log.d(TAG, "set test = to string");
Log.d(TAG, "set test = to " + test);
to see what test is