
Apache VirtualHost 403 Forbidden

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-26 09:05 出处:网络
I recently tried to set a test server up with Apache. The site must run under domain www.mytest.com. I always get a 403 Forbidden error. I am on Ubuntu 10.10 server editi开发者_StackOverflowon. The do

I recently tried to set a test server up with Apache. The site must run under domain www.mytest.com. I always get a 403 Forbidden error. I am on Ubuntu 10.10 server editi开发者_StackOverflowon. The doc root is under dir /var/www. The following are my settings:

Content of /var/www

ls -l /var/www/

total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-08-04 11:26 mytest.com
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 177 2011-07-25 16:10 index.html

Content of the host file on the server (with IP

cat /etc/hosts localhost americano americano.mytest.com www.mytest.com

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

Site config

<VirtualHost *>
ServerAdmin admin@mytest.com
ServerName www.mytest.com
ServerAlias mytest.com

DocumentRoot "/var/www/mytest.com"

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mytest-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/mytest-access_log combined

# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory "/var/www/mytest.com">
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

I have no .htaccess file in my doc root. The permissions are set correctly (readable by www-data).

If I type in the IP address from my desktop, the site shows up correctly. I changed the hosts file on my desktop to point www.mytest.com to the server's IP. When I use it, I get 403. Since many functions of this site are sitename-sensitive, I have to be able to access the site by the domain name.

Another funky thing is, even if all log files are created properly, they have no information regarding this error.

I am stuck. Can anybody help?

Apache 2.4.3 (or maybe slightly earlier) added a new security feature that often results in this error. You would also see a log message of the form "client denied by server configuration". The feature is requiring a user identity to access a directory. It is turned on by DEFAULT in the httpd.conf that ships with Apache. You can see the enabling of the feature with the directive

Require all denied

This basically says to deny access to all users. To fix this problem, either remove the denied directive (or much better) add the following directive to the directories you want to grant access to:

Require all granted

as in

<Directory "your directory here">
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
   # New directive needed in Apache 2.4.3: 
   Require all granted

For apache Ubuntu 2.4.7 , I finally found you need to white list your virtual host in apache2.conf

# access here, or in any related virtual host.
<Directory /home/gav/public_html/>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

This may be a permissions problem.

every single parent path to the virtual document root must be Readable, Writable, and Executable by the web server httpd user

according to this page about Apache 403 errors.

Since you're using Allow from all, your order shouldn't matter, but you might try switching it to Deny,Allow to set the default behavior to "allowing."

Move the Directory clause out of the virtualhost, and put it before declaring the virtualhost.

Drove me nuts for a long time too. Don't know why. It's a Debian thing.

If you did everything right, just give the permission home directory like:

sudo chmod o+x $HOME


sudo systemctl restart apache2

I was having the same problem with a virtual host on Ubuntu 14.04

For me the following solution worked:


It's just adding a <Directory > tag to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

I had this issue on Arch Linux too... it costs me some time but I'm happy now that I found my mistake:

My directory with the .html files where in my account.
I set everything on r+x but I still got the 403 error.
Than I went completely back and tried to set my home-directory to execute which solved my problem.

This works on Linux Fedora for VirtualHost : ( Lampp/Xampp )

Go to : /opt/lampp/etc/extra

Open : httpd-vhosts.conf

Insert this in httpd-vhosts.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin mail@domain.com
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/APPS/My_App"
ServerName votemo.test
ServerAlias www.votemo.test
ErrorLog "logs/votemo.test-error_log"
CustomLog "logs/votemo.test-access_log" common
<Directory "/opt/lampp/APPS/My_App">
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

p.s. : Don't forget to comment the previous exemple already present in httpd-vhosts.conf

Set your hosts system file :

Go to : /etc/ folder find hosts file ( /etc/hosts )

I insert this : (but not sure to 100% if this good)       votemo.test

::1         votemo.test

-> Open or Restart Apache.

Open a console and paste this command for open a XAMPP graphic interface :

sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run

Note : Adjust path how you want to your app folder

ex: DocumentRoot "/home/USER/Desktop/My_Project"

and set directory path too :

ex : ... <Directory "/home/USER/Desktop/My_Project"> ...

But this should be tested, comment if this work ...

Additionnal notes :

  • Localisation Lampp folder : (Path) /opt/lampp

  • Start Lampp : sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

  • Adjust rights if needed : sudo chmod o+w /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run

  • Path to hosts file : /etc/hosts

I was having the same problem with apache2.4

  1. Check config virtual host:
   <Directory /var/www/html/path/to/index>
           Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
           AllowOverride All
           Require all granted
  1. Specific index.php file.

We need a index.php or index.html in /var/www/html/path/to/index.

The problem was that the file access permission was wrong.

I changed the permissions of the directory and it worked.

It could be you haven't setup PHP~!

I just spent several hours on this stupid problem

First, change permissions using this in terminal

find htdocs -type f -exec chmod 664 {} + -o -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +

I don't know what the difference is between 664 and 775 I did both 775 like this Also htdocs needs the directory path for instance for me it was


find htdocs -type f -exec chmod 775 {} + -o -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +

This is the other dumb thing too

make sure that your image src link is your domain name for instance


Be sure to have

EnableSendfile off in httpd.conf file
EnableMMAP off in httpd.conf file

You edit those using pico in terminal

I also created a directory for images specifically so that when you type in the browser address bar domainname.com/images, you will get a list of photos which can be downloaded and need to be downloaded successfully to indicate image files that are working properly

<Directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/images>
AddType images/png .png

And those are the solutions I have tried, now I have functioning images... yay!!!

Onto the next problem(s)



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