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Closed 11 years ago.
Improve this questionI know facebook has done some change. But what's the base?
ubuntu / centos...?
I know google choose ubuntu because of some kind of i/o problem. what about facebook, twitter?
I'd be surprised if there was "one" simple, homogeneous answer :)
These links might be of interest to you:
As far as the programming side (this is a programming forum, after all ;)), this quote is interesting:
For my first project, I programmed an interactive graph that visualized data center assets. I dove into PHP, XHP, JavaScript, and the glue that Facebook uses to hold them together. I was able to ship code in a few weeks! Now, my mind is bending in a whole new direction, especially while working on backend stuff in C++. Every day I am able to contribute to the Capacity Engineering team and learn a ton, especially from my teammates — awesome!
Finally, this link discusses their software stack, including Linux server (as of 2008).