I get the folder icon, never the label. I've tried numerous datasources, always the same thing. File, ajax call, text, it always fails.
In the code below I even set a custom handler and watch the XML come in, I set a static text label going out. Never anything shown. This happens without the label function and using labelField. Yes, I'm 100% sure the attribute matches. Again, tried with numerous different datasources.
I don't know what would be obscuring the text, but not the icon. But I checked for that as well.
Tried this simple one file example, and it compiles fine.
Full code is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:HGroup xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%">
<fx:XML id="selectedData2" source="assets/xml/orgchartmodel.xml"/>
private function tree_labelFunc(item:XML):String {
var label:String;
label = "flexisshit"; //breakpoint hits here but I never see this text
return label;
<mx:Tree id="tree" dataProvider="{selectedData2}" labelFunction="tree_labelFunc" width="100%" height="100%" showRoot="false" textDecoration="underline" textSelectedColor="0xFFCCFF" depthColors="[#FFFFFF, #EEEEEE, #DDDDDD, #CCCCCC, #BBBBBB, #AAAAAA]" />
The XML file used above (only part shown)
<employee layout="default" name="Eric Joplin" email="ejoplin@yoyodyne.com" phone="555-0100" fax="555-0101" businessUnit="Management" status="present" gender="male">
<employee name="Gary Roberts" layout="left_below" email="groberts@yoyodyne.com" phone="555-0100" fax="555-0101" businessUnit="Logistics" status="present" gender="male">
<employee layout="default" name="Alexander Burns" email="aburns@yoyodyne.com" phone="555-0102" fax="555-0103" businessUnit="Logistics" status="present" gender="male"/>
<employee layout="default" name="John Conner" email="jconner@yoyodyne.com" phone="555-0104" fax="555-0105" businessUnit="Logistics" status="present" gender="male"/>
<employe ....
I tested out your code, it works for me so I'm guessing you have a css or some code somewhere that is embedding a font. Try setting the fontFamily to Verdana directly on the mx:Tree
<mx:Tree id="tree"
width="100%" height="100%"