I have some code that grabs the first select on the page and clones it so that I can reset it later on if needed.
mySelect = jQuery('select').get(0);
origSelect = jQuery(mySelect).clone();
//some code
When I fire the code to reset the select with:
The onChange function stops working. I've determined that it's because it is now referred to as origSelect and responds to onChanges for that name. Do I have a开发者_运维问答ny options here for replacing the content of mySelect with the content of origSelect without changing the name it's referred to by?
Pass a parameter true to the clone method.
origSelect = jQuery(mySelect).clone(true); //This will clone the select with data and events
or replace the innerHTMl of origSelect with that of mySelect.
Use $(mySelect).live('change', ...)
instead of $(mySelect).change(...)