
iPhone managing reusable UIImages and UIViews

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 19:55 出处:网络
What is the best way to keep my UI constants in seperate class accesible from all controllers? UIView, UIImage and UIColour all these images and colours create a such mess of allocations and releases

What is the best way to keep my UI constants in seperate class accesible from all controllers?

UIView, UIImage and UIColour all these images and colours create a such mess of allocations and releases in my controllers and most of them are even same. Instead of alloc/relase the same images and views, CAlayers over and over again in different classes, I want to create them once, cache them (or so开发者_JS百科mething like that) and easily access when needed.

I want to keep memory and my code clean.

yes , its possible

create a class like gconstants , then store all your string here in h/m files

 extern NSString *const APP_TITLE;

 @interface UIColor (APP)

in .m file

 NSString *const APP_TITLE = @"APP Name";

@implementation UIColor (APP)

+(UIColor *) APP_NAV_COLOR { return [UIColor colorWithRed:00/256.0 green:111/256.0    
 blue:59/256.0 alpha:1.0]; }


and in any controller declare the header file

 self.title = APP_TITLE;

You could use some macro's defined in a header file which you can then include in all the appropriate implementation files, or even in your prefix.pch if you want to make them available to every file in your project.

As an example, imagine a header file called Config.h

For a shared UIColor you could add the following ...

#define SOME_CONSTANT_COLOR    [UIColor colorWithRed:0.5f green:0.5f blue:0.5f alpha:0.5f]

And then you can access it the same way as you would use any other macro ...

#import "Config.h" // at the top of you implmentation file, or prefix header

someView.backgroundColor = SOME_CONSTANT_COLOR;

The same also goes for images as well ..

#define SOME_IMAGE    [UIImage imageNamed:@"someImage.png"]; // In config.h

myImageView.image = SOME_IMAGE; // In implementation file


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