I am having problems trying to put a jquery mobile datebox on top of a jquery mobile simple dialog modal (a custom HTML one). I am wondering if this is even possible and if so does anybody has a possible solution. So far all I can get to work is the "inline" date picker (this means that it is static on the modal and doesn't pop up.) Thanks!
Here is my code (the date pick box option I am trying to accomplish):
//calls modal
$('#addDialog').live('vclick', function() {
'mode' : 'blank',
'prompt': false,
'forceInput': false,
'fullHTML' : "<label for='mydate'>Date</label>" +
"<input name='mydate' id='mydate' type='date' data-role='datebox'data-options='{\"mode\": \"calbox\", \"noButtonFocusMode\": true}'>"
Indeed, the issue might be that the datebox popup appear at a lower z-index than your custom modal window. If such is the case, set it in datebox's input data-options attribute. For example:
data-options='{"mode":"timebox", "useDialogForceFalse":true, "zindex":10000}'