I have problem with evaluation XPath expression in Windows Script Host using JScript when is present on top of document. When I remove DOCTYPE parsing doesnt break. Here is sample of code that I am using to parse and load xml. Is there any way to parse this kind of XML witout removing DOCTYPE declaration.
I dont want to delete DOCTYPE while processing. Solution could be to remove DOCTYPE using Regex
but I dont want solution like that.
var XmlDocument;
try {
XmlDocument = new ActiveXObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
XmlDocument.async = false;
XmlDocument.resolveExternals = false;
XmlDocument.validateOnParse = false;
} catch(e) {
if(debug == true)
WScript.echo("***ERROR while creating DOM Object: " + e.description);
// Load an XML file into the DOM instance
try {
} catch(e) {
if(debug == true)
WScript.echo("***ERROR LOADING FILE: " + e.description);
var Node;
try {
Node = XmlDocument.selectSingleNode("//metadata/url");
} catch(e) {
if(debug == true)
WScript.echo("***ERROR RESOLVING NODE: " + e.description);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE rightinclude SYSTEM "http://localhost/iw/aa.dtd">
Have you tried it when the DOCTYPE element is closed - some parsers will take the document in this case.
<!DOCTYPE rightinclude SYSTEM "http://localhost/iw/aa.dtd" />
No need to modify any thing in the XML File, instead use this manner to parse your file and everything would be good to go.
Here's a link with description and details regarding:
- Java XPath Parser
- Parse XML Document
- Query XML Document
- Create XML Document
- Modify XML Document
Cheers ;-)