i've an app that when start control updates and other things. If the app find some updates they will ask user if this updates have to be done. If user select YES i want that a spinner appear on main screen until update finish. But when i tap YES my alert view doesn't disappear and remain on screen until update is finished. Is it possible to create a thread that run on the main thread and stop when update in finished? Thanks
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex==1) {
[self showActivityViewer];
[self downloadControlAndUpdatePoi];
[self downloadCont开发者_如何转开发rolAndUpdateItinerari];
[self downloadControlAndUpdateArtisti];
[self downloadControlAndUpdateEventi];
[self hideActivityViewer];
} else {
If the methods
[self downloadControlAndUpdatePoi];
[self downloadControlAndUpdateItinerari];
[self downloadControlAndUpdateArtisti];
[self downloadControlAndUpdateEventi];
are executed synchronously (that means that they return only after having processed completely), so:
[self hideActivityViewer];
is executed only at the very end.
A simple approach to this is scheduling the execution of your methods on the main thread:
[self performSelector:@selector(downloadControlAndUpdatePoi) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
[self hideActivityViewer];
so that those methods are executed only after control has returned to the main loop and the UI has been updated.
Otherwise, you could use:
+ detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:
from NSThread, to do more or less the same. In this case I would suggest creating a wrapper method for all of your dowloadAndUpdate...
methods, but keep in mind that you can't update the UI from a secondary thread.
In both cases, you should take some care about synchronizing the download...
operations with the rest of your workflow after removing the alert view.