Best as in reliable, maintainable and fast. Considering Processing, VVVV or OpenFrameworks?
- I know Processing doe开发者_Go百科sn't handle big video frames very well.
- VVVV (Nodes use OpenCV) is just for Windows.
- OpenFrameworks (OpenCv) is more complicated than the above.
You can try to implement your app in Processing and see if it fits your needs and is fast enough. It should a little more easy and faster to write Java instead of C++. Here can you find how to setup with processing with examples:
If you don't want to code anything you can try VVVV, should be little faster but only on Windows as you mentioned.
If your Processing app is running too slow, you can try openFrameworks. download it the new OF 007 from and check out the setup guide. If you have done the install you can play around with the openCV examples from
Personally I prefer OF because you can do any custom thing with the most performance, but its good to make your prototype with Processing to see if it works and implement it after that again in OF.
As far as I can see from your question, VVVV and OF are the options your looking at, but you prefer VVVV's node based programming over OF, but aren't happy that VVVV is Windows only.
Have you considered other alternatives like MaxMSPJitter or PureData ? Both are similar to VVVV or the other way around :) MaxMSP has a package for 'optimized matrix operations'(3D/video) called Jitter. For Jitter there is a cv.jit free collection of external objects and the samples/tutorials are great. Similarly PureData has an add-on called Gem, which is similar to Max's Jitter package. I haven't tried with PureData, but there are OpenCV bindings for it, through Gem.
MaxMSP uses quicktime on osx and can use directX on windows, but it's commercial. PureData runs on windows/osx/linux, it's free and opensource.