At the moment I am experiencing a really weird behavior of my Mac App. On my Mac (and on all other testing Macs) everything works fine. The app simply works, no leaks,...
BUT on all the review Macs (Yes, on all) it fails: First the launch failed and now, after submitting it more times and trying to workaround the bug, it does not get initialized: Icons that should get loaded dynamically are not shown. WHY?! Perhaps anyone has made experiences with such a problem because I cannot test it. I try to find the issue but it's nearly impossible.
[EDIT] App Information: My app should list all the currently running applications and display them in some way. It reads no files, only t开发者_开发百科he NSUserDefaults to setup itself.
Structure: appDidFinishedLaunching setups basic stuff like global hotkeys, loads the NSUserDefaults and finally forwards the message to the subclassed main window (<- There is the problem). There it should load its interface which does not work on review Macs.
I was able to "override" or "fix" this by a little, dirty code snippet but it does not fix the main problem:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
[self performSelector:@selector(didLaunch) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5f];//<- THIS does the trick, so that the app launches and shows the static content of the NIB, but NO dynamic content is displayed: exactly the same nib state
//Register hotkeys, load NSUserDefaults,
[mainview launched];//<- Here is the problem
finishedLaunching=1;//global var
-(void)didLaunch//Launching works
if (finishedLaunching==0) {//=0 because of the review results
//Does all the stuff that [mainview launched]; is supposed to do: Display window and setup position
//Calling methods included in main view does not work (OR the window is not refreshed
//so the first start finally works, but the interface is EMPTY, only static content visible
Does the setup not happen because it is done in its subclassed window? Why does it work on my Mac (and another Mac mini)? Do you know why this happens, a way how to correct it or how to reproduce the bugs? I really need your help and appreciate every tip!