I am storing the date+time in database in the following format: date("Y-m-d H:i:s"). An example of a value that I have in my DB is : 2010-01-05 07:36:33. In my script, I have set the timezone as date_default_timezone_set("America/Chicago");
I read about the UNIX_TIMESTAMP somewhere and I was using that in my query. The value of UNIX_TIMESTAMP on a date value from the DB, seems to be different from the strotime(DB date Value).
Consider that one of the DB values for the date column in my DB is 2010-01-05 07:36:3开发者_Go百科3 Now if I fetch this date in the following way:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS ut_date FROM table");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
//The result of this is:
$row['date'] = 2010-01-05 07:36:33
$row['ut_date'] = 1262657193
strtotime($row['date']) gives 1262698593
For my further calculations within my application, I need to work with strtotime(date). I have many comparisons to do that way. My problem would have solved, had the UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) was same as strtotime(date). One of the sample query that I need to work with, is:
$gap = 1; // time in minutes
$tm2 = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime (date("H"),date("i")-$gap,date("s"),date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")));
$target = strtotime($tm2);
$result2 = mysql_query("UPDATE table2 SET stat = 0 WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(today_login_time) < $target ");
The above is giving me incorrect results. If I try to replace UNIX_TIMESTAMP with strtotime in the above query, it gives me an error as the function strtotime seems to be PHP function and not respective mySQL function. Is there a respective mySQL function for the strtotime ? How do I solve the above problem? The code to solve the above problem is highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Probably the timezones of your MySQL server and your php instance differ. e.g.
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s T', 1262657193);
prints on my machine 2010-01-05 03:06:33 CET
(note the CET timezone, that's UTC+1) while your MySQL server interprets the same unix timestamp as 2010-01-05 07:36:33
you don't need to convert the sql timestamp to unix for a where query. just use DATE_FORMAT it makes things much simpler:
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(`today_login_time`, "%Y-%m-%d") < '.date('Y-m-d', $my_tsp)
Since the difference is exactly 11.5 hours, it seems you're having issues with timezones.
The format date("Y-m-d H:i:s") does not accurately describe a date and time because it does not include a timezone. Since no timezone is provided, both the web server and database are using their timezones which are clearly different.
You should consider storing the dates in the database as a unix timestamp. A unix timestamp is just the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). That is not effected by timezones or daylight-savings. This way, you will only have to worry Timezones and daylight-savings when converting to an actual calendar day and time.