I check a possibility to integrate fusiontables into my Delphi TWebBrowser based application.
But I cannot continue my project because I don't understand many things.
I have a public table, I want to access this, upload some rows, update some rows, and show it with fusiontablelayer. I have only "free" account now.
The problems:
I need to authenticate.
posts, s, url : string;
authToken : string;
header : OleVariant;
params : TStringList;
i : integer;
header := 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'#13#10;
params := TStringList.Create;
params.Values['accountType'] := 'GOOGLE';
params.Values['Email'] := 'any';
params.Values['Passwd'] := 'any';
params.Values['service'] := 'fusiontables';
params.Values['source'] := '?'; // WHAT IS THIS?
posts := EncodeParamsToURL(params);
postdata := VarArrayCreate([0, Length(posts) - 1], varByte);
// Put Post in array
for i := 1 to Length(posts) do
postdata[I - 1] := Ord(posts[I]);
url := 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin';
wb.Navigate(url, emptyparam, emptyparam, postdata, header);
while wb.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE do
s := (wb.Document as iHTMLDocument2).body.innerText;
This is only a demo, but it is working. I don't know what is "SOURCE" parameter, but I got three lines as result, and the last is "Auth=...." that containing the token.
I need to push this token into header. When I do this, I got 401 error.
params := TStringList.Create;
params.Text := s;
authToken := params.Values['Auth'];
header := 'Authorization : GoogleLogin auth="' + authToken + '"'#13#10;
url := 'http://www.google.com/fusiontables/api/query?select * from 1236944';
wb.Navigate(url, emptyparam, emptyparam, emptyparam, header);
So I'm totally confused now.
Because JavaScript layer don't have authentication interface, I think I need to authenticate the "browser". May this is is wrong idea, but my thinking based on common web login logic, where the login creates a Session, and the Session is identified as a hidden cookie what is valid in this browser. But may Google login is uses an identifier what passed on every request... I don't know.
So because this I must do an automatic "login" in the browser. (If that is not true then I can use WinInet, or IdHTTP for login, and use only the token in the browser).
Now I don't have idea how to do this login automatically without show the login name/pwd in the html, or show the token result in the TWebBrowser...
I must modify the data. This may realizable in a transparent component, like idHTTP, and I can show only the changes in the WebBrowser...
I can show the fusion table with a layer. This is not too hard if I has been authenticated once...
So: I'm confused now, because Google supports only Python/Java as client library, and not Delphi. I need to integrate the authentication and visualization into my TWebBrowser component very transparently.
But there is no g开发者_开发技巧ood example or source in the net what demonstrate the login + fusiontable manipulation...
Can anybody help me in this question?
Question 1 is answered in section "The ClientLogin interface":
Short string identifying your application, for logging purposes. This string should take the form: "companyName-applicationName-versionID".
Question 2:
Your URL is wrong, it has to be:
url := 'http://www.google.com/fusiontables/api/query?sql=select * from 1236944';
See the "sql=" -part? That's important. Have a look here for an example.
Regarding your other questions: they are a bit confusing. I think you don't have to use the TWebBrowser and can use anything that can issue GET and POST requests. For the login part: this information should be provided by your user, because your application should empower your users to work with their data, right?