I use the Inno Setup to create installer for my program. In my program I use third-party libraries, so I have to show license information for each of them. also I want the installer to show certain license files to chosen language. I know how to switch between license fi开发者_如何学Cles if I have 1 license form.
I've looked in google for whole day but didn't find anything
how can I show several licenses?
You can make each license file match the language file by removing the LicenseFile
directive from [Setup]
and putting it in the [Languages]
like this:
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"; LicenseFile: "English License.rtf"
Name: "chinesesimp"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\ChineseSimp.isl"; LicenseFile: "Chinese SIM License.rtf"
Name: "chinesetrad"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\ChineseTrad.isl"; LicenseFile: "Chinese TRA License.rtf"
Hope that helps
You can use the CreateOutputMsgMemoPage to create a page with the memo box on. You can then adjust the sizing and add the agree/disagree boxes.
; Shows a new license page for the LGPL with the usual accept/don't acccept options
LGPLPage: TOutputMsgMemoWizardPage;
LGPLAccept: TNewRadioButton;
LGPLRefuse: TNewRadioButton;
procedure LGPLPageActivate(Sender: TWizardPage); forward;
procedure LGPLAcceptClick(Sender: TObject); forward;
procedure LGPL_InitializeWizard();
LGPLText: AnsiString;
// Create the page
LGPLPage := CreateOutputMsgMemoPage(wpLicense, SetupMessage(msgWizardLicense), SetupMessage(msgLicenseLabel), CustomMessage('LGPLHeader'), '');
// Adjust the memo and add the confirm/refuse options
LGPLPage.RichEditViewer.Height := ScaleY(148);
LGPLAccept := TNewRadioButton.Create(LGPLPage);
LGPLAccept.Left := LGPLPage.RichEditViewer.Left;
LGPLAccept.Top := LGPLPage.Surface.ClientHeight - ScaleY(41);
LGPLAccept.Width := LGPLPage.RichEditViewer.Width;
LGPLAccept.Parent := LGPLPage.Surface;
LGPLAccept.Caption := SetupMessage(msgLicenseAccepted);
LGPLRefuse := TNewRadioButton.Create(LGPLPage);
LGPLRefuse.Left := LGPLPage.RichEditViewer.Left;
LGPLRefuse.Top := LGPLPage.Surface.ClientHeight - ScaleY(21);
LGPLRefuse.Width := LGPLPage.RichEditViewer.Width;
LGPLRefuse.Parent := LGPLPage.Surface;
LGPLRefuse.Caption := SetupMessage(msgLicenseNotAccepted);
// Set the states and event handlers
LGPLPage.OnActivate := @LGPLPageActivate;
LGPLAccept.OnClick := @LGPLAcceptClick;
LGPLRefuse.OnClick := @LGPLAcceptClick;
LGPLRefuse.Checked := true;
// Load the LGPL text into the new page
LoadStringFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}/lgpl-3.0.txt'), LGPLText);
LGPLPage.RichEditViewer.RTFText := LGPLText;
procedure LGPLPageActivate(Sender: TWizardPage);
WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := LGPLAccept.Checked;
procedure LGPLAcceptClick(Sender: TObject);
WizardForm.NextButton.Enabled := LGPLAccept.Checked;
Source: {#Common}Setups\lgpl-3.0.txt; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion
LGPLHeader=Please read the following License Agreement. Some components are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.