UserId="1" Name="John Smith" Loc="London"
UserId="2" Name="Johnny Cash" Loc="Nashville"
It seams like you havent got xml at all. You are missing all usefully symbols that would normally help with the parsing. You taks is to parse a new format specification.
My first bit of advice is to ask whoever is providing you with this feed to put it into a proper format (JSON or plist are the easiest to work with).
Failing this, if the feed is not too big (otherwise you will hit performance issues), parse the feed manually character by character. You probably want to write a event based parser.
Split the feed line by line, perhaps using componentsSeparatedByString:
Then read characters into a string untill you hit an =
that string is your key. Next read between the quotes ""
That string is your value. FIre the key and the value off to a delegate.
JSON parsing classes will help you out...
NSString *responseString = @""; // your data contained string.
SBJSON *json = [[SBJSON new] autorelease];
NSArray *resultData = [json objectWithString:responseString error:&error];