I've started working on Python for about a month now and I've ran into something I would like to understand better. It's related to imports. So I have a module: root.core.connectivity
Now in this module I have defined a class Connectivity. This module also has a __main__
only for testing purposes(not sure if this makes any differences).
Now if I do:
from root.core.connectivity import Connectivity as class_name
This works fine, however if I try:
import root.core.connectivity.Connectivity as class_name
This will fail with:
ImportError: No module named Connectivity
So my question is, why does it fail and what are the differences betwee开发者_C百科n the two statements.
Regards, Bogdan
takes a module. from X import Y
takes a module in X, and any element of that module in Y. Connectivity
is not a module.
Connectivity is a class defined in module, import takes module and when using from-import we can import class of a module.
This link explains it well http://effbot.org/zone/import-confusion.htm
root.core.connectivity is a module, while root.core.connectivity.Connectivity is a class. To undertand difference beetween import and from .. import you can use the following link where you can find:
import_stmt ::= "import" module ["as" name] ( "," module ["as" name] )*
| "from" relative_module "import" identifier ["as" name]
( "," identifier ["as" name] )*
| "from" relative_module "import" "(" identifier ["as" name]
( "," identifier ["as" name] )* [","] ")"
| "from" module "import" "*"
E.g you use 'import' with modules and 'from ... import' with identifiers - e.g classes, variables and other modules.
So in your second case you can do the following:
import root.core.connectivity as conn
class_name = conn.Connectivity