Using Rhino Mocks, how do I ensure that a method is not called while setting up the Expectations on the mock object.
In my example, I am testing the Commit method and I need to ensure that the Rollback method is not called while doing the commit. (this is because i have logic in the commit method that will automatically rollback if commit fails)
Here's how the code looks like..
public void TestCommit_DoesNotRollback()
var mockStore = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IStore>();
mockStore.Expect(x => x.Commit());
//here i want to set an expectation that x.Rollback() should not be called.
Of course, I can do this at Assert phase like this:
mockStore.AssertWasNotCalled(x => x.Rollback());
But i would like to set this as an Expectation in the first place.
Another option would be:
mockStore.Expect(x => x.Rollback()).Repeat.Never();
Is this what are you looking for?
ITest test = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITest>();
test.Expect(x => x.TestMethod()).AssertWasNotCalled(mi => {});
Here is another option:
mockStore.Stub(x => x.DoThis()).Repeat.Times(0);
For this case I created an extension method to better show my intent
public static IMethodOptions<RhinoMocksExtensions.VoidType> ExpectNever<T>(this T mock, Action<T> action) where T : class
return mock.Expect(action).IgnoreArguments().Repeat.Never();
Note the IgnoreArguments() call. I'm assuming that you don't want the method to be called matter what the parameter value(s) are.