I'm trying to build a little script that would let me do this:
and then display this in plain text
This is the API query to get that information (artworkUrl512):
Any help and example code would be much appreciated!
I am not sure why you have jQuery in your tags, unless you want to make the request dynamically without a page refresh. However you can do this simply in PHP using the following example:
$request = array (
"app_id" => @$_GET["id"]
// parse the requests.
if (empty($request["app_id"])) {
// redirects back / displays error
else {
$app_uri = "http://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/wa/wsLookup?id=" . $request["app_id"];
$data = file_get_contents ($app_uri);
$json = json_decode (trim($data));
$request = file_get_contents($itms_url);
$json = json_decode(trim($request));
echo $json[0]->artworkUrl512;
should work in PHP. Unless of course there is more than one hit to the search. A solution using jQuery is probably not very much more difficult.