I have been using the setBackgroundColor method to change the NSButton colour, but my question is, are there any other methods I could use to change t开发者_运维知识库he colour of an NSButton other than that?
To change the color or the NSButton
you need to access the button, mostly you do it with IBOutlet
unless the buttons are in TableView / CollectionView etc.
Say the button outlet is myButton
, then you need
[[myButton cell] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor redColor]]; //Change the color according to your need
You can also do this by subclassing NSButtonCell
with these methods
- (void)drawBezelWithFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSGraphicsContext* ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
// corner radius
CGFloat roundedRadius = 17.0f;
NSColor *color = [NSColor redColor];
// Draw darker overlay if button is pressed
if([self isHighlighted]) {
[ctx saveGraphicsState];
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:frame
yRadius:roundedRadius] setClip];
[[color darkenColorByValue:0.12f] setFill];
NSRectFillUsingOperation(frame, NSCompositeSourceOver);
[ctx restoreGraphicsState];
// create background color
[ctx saveGraphicsState];
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:frame
yRadius:roundedRadius] setClip];
[[color darkenColorByValue:0.12f] setFill];
NSRectFillUsingOperation(frame, NSCompositeSourceOver);
[ctx restoreGraphicsState];
//draw inner button area
[ctx saveGraphicsState];
NSBezierPath* bgPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:NSInsetRect(frame, 1.0f, 1.0f) xRadius:roundedRadius yRadius:roundedRadius];
[bgPath setClip];
NSColor* topColor = [color lightenColorByValue:0.12f];
// gradient for inner portion of button
NSGradient* bgGradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithColorsAndLocations:
topColor, 0.0f,
color, 1.0f,
[bgGradient drawInRect:[bgPath bounds] angle:90.0f];
[ctx restoreGraphicsState];
- (NSRect) drawTitle:(NSAttributedString *)title withFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
NSGraphicsContext* ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
[ctx saveGraphicsState];
NSMutableAttributedString *attrString = [title mutableCopy];
[attrString beginEditing];
NSColor *titleColor;
if ([[self getColorForButtonType] isLightColor]) {
titleColor = [NSColor blackColor];
} else {
titleColor = [NSColor whiteColor];
[attrString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:titleColor range:NSMakeRange(0, [[self title] length])];
[attrString endEditing];
NSRect r = [super drawTitle:attrString withFrame:frame inView:controlView];
[ctx restoreGraphicsState];
return r;
I don't know what is going on here, but the following works for me:
[[myButton cell] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor redColor]];
But ONLY if I overwrite the following method in my NSButtonCell subclass:
- (void)drawBezelWithFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView
[super drawBezelWithFrame:frame inView:controlView];
Fun fact here: it is not even called (tested with debugger).