I wouldn't mind donating to anyone who helps me with this issue.
Should I store binary information with a BLOB data type? Should I store VARCHAR containing paths? I don't know how to do either of these automated at the moment. The images are currently embedded into an Acce开发者_如何转开发ss database as OLE Objects. This migration cannot be manual; it will have to be done automatically using scripts or programs because there are about 6k records.
Any ideas or recommendations?
You can use Leban's OLEtoDisk to export your images all at once. You can specify a "naming" column, your primary key for example, and constant fields to be appended/prepended to the naming column.
Your pictures are then called "exported1.jpg","exported2.jpg", ... assuming you choose to prepend exported and the id's where 1 and 2. It should be simple to move the files to a server and write a script to insert the correct paths into the MySQL database. Assuming this is a one time thing, because that's what it sounds like.
Just tested it with 4000 small (~150 kb) pictures, it was done in 2 minutes on a limited virtual machine. So 6000 should not be a problem.