
Use Greasemonkey to submit a page, after checking specific radio buttons

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-24 00:01 出处:网络
I have to complete the form inside the website retailedge.intel.com (that is not mine) several times with the correct sequence that I already know.

I have to complete the form inside the website retailedge.intel.com (that is not mine) several times with the correct sequence that I already know.

For example:

for the first question the right replay is D  
for the second question is D  
for the third D (again :))  
for the forth D (is boring, i know)  
for the fifth B (finally something new ;))  

-- as you can see in the picture, below.

I need that when I go on the form/question page, Greasemonkey automatically sets the page with the correct sequence, so that the only things that I have to do is click the "send" button at the end :D

I mean: is it possible that Greasemonkey sets/submits the page with the radio buttons already checked on the right sequence and position?

The questions are structured like this, in the pages:

<li><span id="UniqueId_Q3" class="png">
            <tr><td><span class="QuestionNumber png">3.</span></td>
                <td><span class="QuestionText png">This is the question text.</span></td>
        <li><span class="In开发者_C百科putButton">
            <input type="radio" value="UniqueVal_1" name="UniqueName_3" id="UniqueId_Q3_1">
            <label for="UniqueId_Q3_1"><span class="png">&nbsp;a. Answer A</span></label>
        <li><span class="InputButton">
            <input type="radio" value="UniqueVal_2" name="UniqueName_3" id="UniqueId_Q3_2">
            <label for="UniqueId_Q3_2"><span class="png">&nbsp;b. Answer B</span></label>

Thank you in advance,

Teresa :)

Use Greasemonkey to submit a page, after checking specific radio buttons

You have to choose the form and submit() it:



验证码 换一张
取 消
