i have some problem in scala to resolve implicit values, and i have the cryptic error message in netbeans :
"error : Forward reference extends over definition of value ..."
or in the scala console i have an other error message
"type mistmatch :29: error: type mismatch; found : Factory.type (with underlying type object Factory) required: GenericFactory"
Some description of my class and main function :
import java.util.Random
// Main //
//Implicit random for all classes and object
implicit val aprng = new Random
//Implicit object Factory used in other class
implicit val factory = Factory
abstract class GenericFactory {
def build
object Factory extends GenericFactory{
def build = println("return factory")
class A (rate: Random => Double = aprng => aprng.nextFloat, val factory : GenericFactory) {
def this(rate : Double, factory : GenericFactory) = this( _ => rate, factory)
def operate(genomes: IndexedSeq[Int])(implicit aprng: Random) = {
println("calculate genomes with aprng random values")}
object B{
val instanceOfA = new A(rate => 0.5d,factory)
I have 2 problem because 1) i can pass an object in argument of class A, so i define an abstract class to pass this abstract class, but that not work here :/ 2) After that, my implicit value defined into class A is not recognized, and fail with error message.
Do you have an idea or an answer to resolve this problem ?
Edit 1
I update the code with help of agisteel, it's ok, code running :)
import java.util.Random
// Main //
//Implicit random for all classes and object
implicit val aprng = new Random
implicit val function: Random => Double = arpng => arpng.nextFloat
abstract class GenericFactory
def build = println("build")
implicit object Factory extends GenericFactory
def build = println("return factory")
class A (implicit rate: Random => Double, implicit val factory : GenericFactory) {
//def this(rate : Double, factory : GenericFactory) = this( _ => rate,开发者_如何学Python factory)
def operate(genomes: IndexedSeq[Int])(implicit aprng: Random) = {
println("calculate genomes with aprng random values")}
object B{
val instanceOfA = new A
I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve here, but here are few tips:
1) instead of:
implicit val factory = Factory
object Factory extends GenericFactory { ...
try this:
implicit object Factory extends GenericFactory { ...
2) Default values for lambdas can only be provided via implicits as far as I know, so instead of:
class A (rate: Random => Double = aprng => aprng.nextFloat, ...
try this:
implicit val function: Random => Double = arpng => arpng.nextFloat
class A (implicit rate: Random => Double) ( ...
I hope this info is useful.