How do I align a HTMLBody in Outlook to be right to left?
Here's my code for sending the message (the body is in a textbox)
private void sendmail()
outlook.Application outApp;
outApp = new outlook.Application();
outlook.MailItem mail = (outlook.MailItem)(outApp.CreateItem
mail.BodyFormat = outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
mail.To = textTo.开发者_StackOverflowText;
mail.CC = textCC.Text;
mail.Subject = textSubject.Text;
mail.HTMLBody = textBody.Text;
if by right to left align you mean RTL scripts use this
mail.HTMLBody = "<p DIR=\"RTL\">" + textBody.Text + "</p>";
if you just want the text to be aligned either left or right use this snippet:
mail.HTMLBody = "<p style=\"text-align:left;\">" + textBody.Text + "</p>";//aligned left
Try wrapping your textBody.Text string in the following HTML
<table width='100%'><tr><td align="right">[YOUR TEXTBODY.TEXT VAR GOES HERE]</td></tr></table>
mail.HTMLBody = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align="right">"+textBody.Text+"</td></tr></table>";
or if you wanted your body content to be a certain width
mail.HTMLBody = "<table width='600'><tr><td align="right">"+textBody.Text+"</td></tr></table>";
Hope this helps