I'm looking around for a good example to work with TFS 2010 collections,projects, and workitems to start with.
I am able to iterate through collections and Projects using the following code (thanks to original coder)
Dim tfsServer As String = "http://test.domain.com:8080/tfs"
tfsServer = tfsServer.Trim()
Dim tfsUri As Uri
tfsUri = New Uri(tfsServer)
Dim configurationServer As New TfsConfigurationServer(tfsUri)
configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri)
' Get the catalog of team project collections
Dim collectionNodes As ReadOnlyCollection(Of CatalogNode)
Dim gVar As Guid() = New Guid() {CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection}
collectionNodes = configurationServer.CatalogNode.QueryChildren(gVar, False, CatalogQueryOptions.None)
Dim strName As New StringBuilder
Dim strCollection As New StringBuilder
For Each collectionNode In collectionNodes
Dim collectionId As Guid = New Guid(collectionNode.Resource.Properties("InstanceID"))
strName.Length = 0
Dim teamProjectCollection As New TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsUri)
teamProjectCollection = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(collectionId)
Response.Write("Collection:" & teamProjectCollection.Name & "<br/>")
' Get a catalog of team projects for the collection
Dim hVar As Guid() = New Guid() {CatalogResourceTypes.TeamProject}
Dim projectNodes As ReadOnlyCollection(Of CatalogNode)
projectNodes = collectionNode.QueryChildren(hVar, False, CatalogQueryOptions.None)
' List the team projects in the collection
For Each projectNode In projectNodes
strName.AppendLine(projectNode.Resource.DisplayName & "<br开发者_如何学JAVA>")
'System.Console.WriteLine(" Team Project: " + projectNode.Resource.DisplayName)
I want to read specific project from a collection and iterate through workitems (tasks,bugs,issues,etc). Any help would be highly appreciated.
You can run any query you like in the teamProjectCollection
- level with:
WorkItemStore workItemStore = (WorkItemStore)teamProjectCollection.GetService(typeof(WorkItemStore));
WorkItemCollection queryResults = workItemStore.Query(query);
foreach (WorkItem workitem in queryResults)
Now you only have to formulate the query
- string in something that provides you with what you need.
Queries are WIQL - like. This very basic can give you all work items within a TeamProject:
SELECT [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = @project
is in our case here the projectNode.Resource.DisplayName
(You can save any query you 've graphically set in TFS with 'Save as' as a *.wiq file & then use it's content programmatically)