
PHP-powered GUI Applications for Windows

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-23 14:24 出处:网络
I know that PHP is an interpreted language and for web-based things, isn\'t designed for running GUI applications on actual OSs, but is there a way?

I know that PHP is an interpreted language and for web-based things, isn't designed for running GUI applications on actual OSs, but is there a way?

Basically, is there a framework / system that allows me to create "native" (basically, binary, .exe, looks like a Win32 app with the native controls and all) windows, GUI-based applications?

So I could code a PHP app with such framework, and (somehow) compile it into an .exe, and distribute it as a normal windows application. Possible开发者_如何学Python?

I could use VS/.NET , C# and all, but using PHP would allow me to reuse an internal framework for many extra functions, shortening the development cycle a lot.

So, is there such a way to do it?

The best solution if you have knowledge of .Net would be to use Phalanger (Blog) which basically compile php code to the .Net intermediate language and allow you to access all standard .Net libraries (including WPF and WinForms so you could create GUIs)

The more modern version of this project is now called PeachPie.

PHP-powered GUI Applications for Windows

You can use any number of GUI toolkits that have PHP bindings, such as GTK+ through PHP-GTK.

Then you can 'compile' it with something like HipHop, which transforms your PHP into optimised C++ that you can then proceed to compile. Of course, compilation is not necessary at all, but if you want to, it's possible.

Yes, there is a IDE called DevelStudio. It has a Visual-Studio like interface and you can write all your code in PHP and by pressing a button it compiles into .exe that runs standalone.

There is PHP-GTK Take a look at that

There is DevelNext, but there are JPHP. JPHP - is PHP. It compile to Java byte code. simple code comatible, but no chance that any existing real PHP class will work. No chance. But IDE DevelNext is cool.



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