Hi I've been playing around with phps filter class getting and have come across a snag with the filter_callback filter.
the following rough bit of code works but shows an error every time
Warning: filter_var() [function.filter-var]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /Users/Rob/sites/test_val.php on line 12
class test
public function callback($string)
$var = filter_var($string, FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options' => $this->foo($string)));
public function foo($string){
echo $string;
$test = new test();
$string = 'test';
$tested = $test->callback($strin开发者_JAVA技巧g);
am i calling the function correctly or is there a different way?
...should be...
array($this, 'foo')
When using a method as a callback, you need to provide the reference in this manner.
This code works for me :)
class myClass {
public function myFunc($var){
return filter_var($var, FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options'=> 'self::myCallback'));
public function myCallback(){
return true;
$obj = new myClass();
//output:- bool(true)
echo filter_var('wo9w9w9', FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options' => array(new MyFilter(), 'filter1'))) . PHP_EOL;
options You can directly transfer object instance, like $this or new self ,