I'm using Facebook GRAPH API to publish on user's wall.
It works fine, but I'm encountering a little p开发者_StackOverflowroblem:
My publication appears on the user's wall with the user's name, as if he published himself
I want to publish on his wall but with my application's name
How can I do this ?
First you need user post stream permission. After you get user credential, then you can try send $_POST with structure like these
$stream_data = array(
'access_token' => $user_access_token,
'caption' => 'From Your App',
'description' => 'Your App description',
'link' => 'http://yourapp.com',
'picture' => 'http://yourapp.com/assets/img/someicon.png',
'name' => $user_sess_name.' just started uses Your App name.',
to https://graph.facebook.com/1234/feed
(1234 is a user id) to create a feed stream.
There is no way to post on a user's wall and have it attributed to the app itself, only users may write on each other's walls, there's no way for an app or Page to write on a Profile's wall. toopay's answer is a good example of posting to a user's wall from an app, but that post would be attributed to the user whose access token you use
I don't think so you can post on user's wall with the app name, You can use the below code to post on user wall and it will say on the Bottom VIA app name
$fb = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => '2420527xxxxxxx',
'secret' => 'a6b14d618xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
try {
$attachment = array(
'message' => '',
'access_token' => $fb->getAccessToken(),
'name' => 'Attachment Name',
'caption' => 'Attachment Caption',
'link' => 'http://www.xxxxxxx.com/app/',
'description' => 'Description .....',
'picture' => 'http://www.xxxxxxx.com/logo.xxx',
'actions' => array(array('name' => 'Action Text','link' =>'http://www.xxx.com/app/'))
$result = $fb->api('/'.$fb->getAppId().'/feed/', 'post', $attachment);
echo $result;
}catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
Try it..!!!