I have an activity which gets called by 2 intents, one after a simple menu-selection and the other way by a intent after a deletion of an item in a database. However, I wanted to display in the called activity a little Toast, but only when it's opened through the intent of the deletion. I thought of following solution
public void intentCheck(){
Log.d("ShowActivity","intentCheck() called");
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if (extras != null){
String check = extras.getString("AdvancedViewActivityCall");
if(check == "calling"){
Log.d("ShowActivity","delete-intent succeeded");
Toast success = new Toast(ShowActivity.this);
success.makeText(ShowActivity.this, "Deletion succeded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
but it doesn't work... somehow, no toast gets displayed.
edit:// i applied success.show(); now, but now i get a RunetimeException O.o ( http://pastebin.com/Th3NY5d0 )
edit: SOLUTION: Toast.makeText(context, text, duration).show(); //seem开发者_运维技巧s to be the "static way", which eclipse proposed
Have you tried if ("calling".equals(check))
instead of if(check == "calling")
try Toast.makeText(context, text, duration).show();
you have to call show method for toast until otherwise toast will not display.