Is there a way to do something like this?
Basically, I want to select data from the database where x contains a specific number. The thing is, the x column in any row could contain "1, 2, 3" and I want to select all those that contain 1, specifically 1, not 11 or anything that contains 1, but specifically a 1.
Here's an example:
id title x
1 row1 1,22,3
2 row2 1,5
3 row3 5,91
4 row4 70
And I want my query to return rows 1 and 2. I don't want row 3, as the 1 is inside the number 91. I don't want row 4 because there's no 1 there either.
You can use the FIND_IN_SET function like so:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE FIND_IN_SET('1', x)
This will also get optimised to use bit arithmetic if you are calling it on a SET type.
You can try this:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE x REGEXP "(^|,)1(,|$)"
Ideally you'd normalize your 'x' column out to a separate table.
But... you could also hack it like this:
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE x LIKE '%,1' OR x LIKE '1,%' OR x LIKE '%,1,%'
This basically just handles the three different cases where the "1" is the first, last or a middle element in your list. (note if you've got a space after your commas you'd change the last part to '%, 1,%'
EDIT: Actually Dmitriy's REGEXP is nicer, and a'r's FIND_IN_SET looks ideal.