I got the following code:
<table border=1>
<td><a class="issueDrawer" href="#">view</a></td>
<tr class="issueDrawer" style="display: none;"><td colspan="100%">boom!</td></tr>
<td><a class="issueDrawer" href="#">view</a></td>
<tr class="issueDrawer" style="display: none;"><td colspan="100%">boom!</td></tr>
<td><a class="issueDrawer" href="#">view</a></td>
<tr class="issueDrawer" style="display: none;"><td colspan="100%">boom!</td></tr>
Basically I'm performing an action on "a.issueDrawer" which should animate "tr.issueDrawer". From "a.issueDrawer" I'm currently doing $(this).parent().parent().next(), but there must be a cleaner way to travers up and find the first "tr.issueDrawer".
Instead of .parent().parent()
, you can use .closest('tr')