I created a F# library that returns this datatype
How do I access the FSharpAsync
type so I can enumerate through the tuple from C# and print out the conte开发者_C百科nt?
It is generally not recommended to expose F# types such as FSharpAsync
in a public interface that will be used by C# clients (see F# component design guidelines). You can use Async.StartAsTask
(on the F# side) to expose the operation as a Task<T>
that is easy to use from C#.
In fact, I would also replace the tuple with a named type (that captures the meaning of the data structure). Tuples can be used in C#, but they are not idiomatic in C#:
// Assuming you have an operation like this
let asyncDoWork () : Async<seq<DateTime * string>> = (...)
// Define a named type that explains what the date-string pair means
type Item(created:DateTime, name:string) =
member x.Created = created
member x.Name = name
// Create a simple wrapper that wraps values into 'Item' type
let asyncDoWorkItems () =
async { let! res = asyncDoWork()
return seq { for (d, n) in res -> Item(d, n) } }
Now, to expose the operation to C#, the best practice is to use a type with an overloaded static method. The method starts the operation as a task and one overload specifies cancellation token. The C# naming convention for these is to add Async
to the end of the name (which doesn't overlap with F# which adds Async
to the front):
type Work =
static member DoWorkAsync() =
static member DoWorkAsync(cancellationToken) =
Async.StartAsTask(asyncDoWorkItems(), cancellationToken = cancellationToken)
Your C# code can then use Work.DoWorkAsync()
and work with the task in the usual C# style. It will even work with the await
keyword that will be (probably) added to C# 5.
Reference FSharp.Core.dll, then:
FSharpAsync<IEnumerable<Tupel<DateTime,string>>> async = ...
IEnumerable<Tuple<DateTime, string>> result = FSharpAsync.RunSynchronously(async, timeout: FSharpOption<int>.None, cancellationToken: FSharpOption<CancellationToken>.None);
is in the Microsoft.FSharp.Control
is in the Microsoft.FSharp.Core
You can manipulate it via the static methods of FSharpAsync. The async
you're getting is likely of type Async<'T>
, which has no instance methods.
If you look at the return type FSharpAsync<IEnumerable<Tupel<DateTime,string>>>
this tell us that it is a async operation that when gets executed by the static methods in FSharpAsync will return a IEnumerable<Tupel<DateTime,string>>
, so this becomes a case where the F# library create a operation (the async operation) that your C# code can execute, so it act as lazy operation that you can execute later after getting it from F# library and when you execute this lazy operation it returns you a IEnumerable which it self is sort of lazy in the sense that you pull values from it and at the same times the values are generated.
I think you can just return then IEnumerable<Tupel<DateTime,string>>
from your F# library and doesn't need to return Async operation at all. But again this depends on what your F# library does and how it is supposed to generate this IEnumerable