I notices that quite often, when I h开发者_JAVA技巧ave conflicts, I simply want to choose. For example, when applying a stash I ran into this:
label: Project Manager
name: manager
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
Permissions: [p_manager]
Children: [g2, g3, g4, g5]
Permissions: [p_manager, p2, p3, p4, p5, p_request]
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
label: Junior PM (USA)
name: junior-manager-usa
Permissions: [p_junior, p_junior_usa, p_request]
I know exactly that I want to keep everything that is marked "Updated upstream" and drop \ ignore "Stashed changes". Is it possible to just tell git to "Use upstream version of this file"?
git checkout HEAD -- path/to/file