
socket.io upgrade from 0.6 to 0.7 causes problems in socket.request

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-22 21:32 出处:网络
I had an application that uses node.js and socket.io. It was working fine three months ago but when I tried to run it now it showed me that the module socket.io is not defined (don\'t know why?). So I

I had an application that uses node.js and socket.io. It was working fine three months ago but when I tried to run it now it showed me that the module socket.io is not defined (don't know why?). So I installed it again using npm install socket.io. It turned out that socket.io new version was released with a different set of functions (or at least the way it is used). I fixed the changes but have still some problem. Here is what I do:


    var http = require('http');
    var server = http.createServer ( function (request,response){
            console.log("Client request: " + request.url);


    var socketOptions = {
            transportOptions: {
                    'xhr-polling': {
                            closeTimeout: 12000000, //20 mins
                            timeout: 1200000  //20 mins

    var io = require('socket.io').listen(server,socketOptions);

    io.sockets.on("connection", function(socket) {
            console.log("WebSocket client connected");

            if (!socket.request) { // xhr polling => get cookie using websocket message
                            message: "resendcookie",
                            why: "Missing cookie",
            } else {

                    ... <use the cookie> ...


            io.sockets.on ("message", function(data) {

            io.sockets.on("close", function(){

            io.sockets.on("disconnect", function(){


    var socket = io.connect("localhost:port", {
            rememberTransport   :  false,
            transportOptions    : {
                    "xhr-polling": {
                            closeTimeout: 600000,
                            duration: 600000
          开发者_如何学JAVA  }


    function onload() {

            socket.on("connect", function(){

            socket.on("mesasge", function(data) {

                    var m =JSON.parse(data);
                    if (m.message === "resendcookie"){
                                    cookie: document.cookie,

This is a slightly modified code of what was working fine with socket.io 0.6 to include the new way to connect and listen to the websocket. My problem is:

socket.request used to exist if using chrome since it allows for websockets and I could reach the cookies directly (the xhr-polling trick I used to reach cookies in other browsers that don't support websockets). Now socket.request is giving different results even with chrome and I can't find the cookies. Did I forget to modify anything else? If not, please me tell how to reach the cookies.

Thanks a lot,


Did you read https://github.com/LearnBoost/Socket.IO/wiki/Migrating-0.6-to-0.7 ? It contains allot of information on migrating from 0.6 to the latest 0.7



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