I'm trying to define an element type in开发者_如何学编程 XSD, for which i want an optional attribute, which if present can either contain a float, or be empty (but still present).
<xs:element name="MyElement">
<xs:attribute name="optionalFloatAttribute" type="xs:float" use="optional"/>
Needs "fixing" to allow all of the following xml:-
<MyElement optionalFloatAttribute=""/>
<MyElement optionalFloatAttribute="3.14159"/>
The only way I can see of doing this is to change type to xs:string
, and use xs:restriction
with a regular expression. But this doesn't seem very ideal to me. Is there a better way?
And I have to be able to support these variations of the xml - the program and existing xml is legacy, and I am trying to back-create a schema to match the myriad variations I see in what we have to regard as valid xml.
You can define custom type for that by combining float and empty string:
<xs:element name="MyElement">
<xs:attribute name="optionalFloatAttribute" type="emptyFloat" use="optional"/>
<xs:simpleType name="emptyFloat">
<xs:restriction base='xs:string'>
<xs:length value="0"/>
<xs:restriction base='xs:float'>
Or using regExp:
<xs:simpleType name="emptyFloat">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="-?\d*\.?\d*"/>
If you could stand using an element rather than an attribute you could make the xs:float nillable. This way you can use the xsi:nil="true" in your instance document to indicate that the element has no value:
<!-- definition -->
<xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:float" nillable="true" />
<!-- instance -->
<quantity xsi:nil="true" />
No equivalent for attributes though.
I don't think there's a way to handle this and use xs:float
. Fundamentally it comes down to the fact that empty string isn't a valid number. You'd either normally expect a value of 0, or for the element to be missing altogether. There's a good explanation as the answer to the following question:
Empty elements for primitve datatypes forbidden in XSD
It seems that the option of using xs:string and a regexp might be your best plan.