I have some code (that is working), but I just want to make sure I am putting it in the right place per rails conventions/best practices. The purpose of the code, is to generate a set of subheading navigation links if '@facility' is defined (which could be done in one of several controllers). Right now, I have the following bits of code spread out as identified below.
My issue: this doesn't feel right, particularly the bit of logic at the beginning of the html template. I will also want to define a few other similar helpers to define these subhead links based on different models. Should this logic (of setting @subhead_links) be in the application controller? As a metho开发者_运维技巧d in each model (so I would set @subhead_links = @facility.subhead_links)?
I've looked some for answers, but this type of philosophical question isn't as readily google-able as an error code.
in application helper
# build subhead
def subhead_links(facility)
links = [
{ :label => "Configure Facility", :path => facility_path(facility) },
{ :label => "Waitlists", :path => waitlist_tiers_path(:id => facility.id) },
{ :label => "Applications", :path => sponsors_path(:id => facility.id) }
return links
in a partial included in application.html.erb template
<% if @facility %>
<% @subhead_links = subhead_links(@facility) %>
<% end %>
<% if @subhead_links %>
<nav class="subnav">
<% @subhead_links.each do |link| %>
<li><%= link_to link[:label], link[:path] %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
in various other controllers...
@facility = Facility.find(params[:id])
I never rely on instance variables in partials and try to put as much logic as possible in helpers.
Here this would result in the following:
<%= render_subhead_links(@facility) %>
def render_subhead_links(facility)
if facility
links = [
{ :label => "Configure Facility", :path => facility_path(facility) },
{ :label => "Waitlists", :path => waitlist_tiers_path(:id => facility.id) },
{ :label => "Applications", :path => sponsors_path(:id => facility.id) }
render :partial_name, :links => links
<nav class="subnav">
<% links.each do |link| %>
<li><%= link_to link[:label], link[:path] %></li>
<% end %>