I'm new to HP-UX system and having one problem with running a make file.
Make: Must be a separator on rules line 14. Stop.
I suspect this is due to older version of make deployed on the machine (since the same make file works on other unix and linux based systems).
Questions:-- How do I check the version of make (does HP-UX uses GNU make?) on HP-UX
- How to upgrade make to a newer version.
I tried getting information on make using man make
but couldn't find anything on version.
Kinda brute force and might take a while, but you could try listing version info about all installed software using
$ swlist -a revision -a title
Then search its output for whatever package looks like it'd have make
in it.
Man page for swlist
Most programs have a --version switch (all GNU core utilities have one).
Install gmake instead! Default make on hp ux does not works well with Makefiles written to be compatible with GNU make.