I think I may of "zoomed in" too much with my XStream work, but I'm trying to marshall an XML stream, which contains a variety of large complex objects, and each of these objects tends to have lots of tags such as :
<name type="string">My Name</name>
<speed type="dice">2d6</speed>
So I created a "TypedString" object, to wrap up the concept of a string with a type attribute, like so:
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute;
public class TypedString {
private String type;
private String value;
public TypedString(String type, String value) {
this.type = type;
this开发者_StackOverflow.value = value;
// getters omitted
Now, I know this must be missing something - as how can I get the "value" variable set using the contents of the tag (e.g. for the first example shown above, type would be "string" and value would be "My Name").
I wrote a brief unit test for this :
public class TypedStringTest {
private XStream xStream;
public void setUp() {
xStream = new XStream();
xStream.alias("name", TypedString.class);
public void testBasicUnmarshalling() {
TypedString typedString = (TypedString) xStream.fromXML("<name type=\"string\">Name</name>");
assertEquals("string", typedString.getType());
assertEquals("Name", typedString.getValue());
Which fails on the second assertion.
Is there an annotation I need to add to the TypedString class to get it working ? Or have I really zoomed in too far here (e.g. should this all be done on annotations in the class containing these tags ?). The @XStreamAsAttribute annotation didn't look like it could be used from the parent tag - it needed to be defined on the object representing the tag in applied to, from what I could tell. Hence I made what is otherwise a glorified String, which I feel XStream should be marshalling without my implicit assistance.
In a nutshell, where have I got lost ?!
@XStreamConverter(value=ToAttributedValueConverter.class, strings={"value"})
public class TypedString {
private String type;
private String value;
@XStreamConverter(value=ToAttributedValueConverter.class, strings={"value"})
public class TypedString {
private String type;
private String value;
It works for single line values.
If you have something like this the value will be some white spaces.
<name type="string">
My Name
In this case value will be " ".