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Closed 10 years ago.
Improve this questionI have a need to learn MVC 3 with the Razor view engine and Entity Framework 4, and am trying to figure out where to start.
Over a year ago, I build a site in MVC 2 and LINQ to SQL, but it's been a long time since I've thought about it at all and I've forgotten a lot. Though, I still have a loose understanding of routing, action links, and a bit of LINQ. So, I'm not exactly starting from scratch, but it feels like it.
I've been doing lots of digging around, in order to learn what I can, but have really only begun to feel a bit overwhelmed. I watched the videos on http://www.asp.net/mvc. While these certainly helped, there are still lots of holes in my knowledge.
In any case, here are some specific things I'm hoping you guys can help me find:
- a good, hands-on MVC 3 tutorial (not unlike the nerd dinner tutorials that were available for MVC 2)
- a clear explanation of Entity Framework 4, including coverage of topics such as lazy loading and POCO objects
- a clear explaination of LINQ, focusing on all of the extension methods available, etc
- resources that are NOT focused on code first models. I already have a database that is in use (I'm not sure I see the value in code first anyway)
Does anyone know of a resource or two that has these things?
There is also a very handy project which is already build, but who you can build by yourself with tutorials which will guide you through alot of MVC stuff.
Also I learned alot from the blogs from Stephen Walter: http://stephenwalther.com
Regarding EF, I recommend this book first
for EF4.1, this series of post by ADO.NET Team will help you
You still can use EF4.1 with Database First, refer this post and this post even though you already have database schema
if you dont mind spending a few bucks for a subscription based site (i think they do have a 10 day trial or 90 day if you qualify for dreamspark) the company i work for uses pluralsight for alot of our .net training they have a good chunk of mvc 3 videos that can help you out with getting going and have some more in depth stuff as well
i will up date this post tomorrow when i get to work with the page of information i gave to our mvc developers at work which has a ton of hour + videos and some great articles
also check out the following blogs for extra information haacked.com goodscottbadscott.com scottgu's blog
MIX 09 Demos
PDC 09 Demos
Phil Haack's Intro to Razor View Engine
MIX 11 Demos
MIX 11 ASP.net MVC 3 The time is now (recommended)
HTML5 Resources
Jquery Mobile
Crystal Reports
I believe watching the PluralSight videos which are free and you can see them in www.asp.net/mvc (left corner ) is the essential step you can do.