I'm trying to do a where statement that specifies a DateTime field is between the start and end of the previous month.
To do this, I need to 开发者_开发知识库specify that the first day of the previous month has a time of 00:00:00 and the last day of the previous month has a time of 23:59:59.
This second condition is giving me a headache..
Can someone help me out?
MSSQL 2008
SELECT DATEADD(ms, -3, '2011-07-20')
This would get the last 23:59:59 for today.
why 3 milliseconds?, this is because Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME columns have at most a 3 millisecond resolution (something that is not going to change). So all we do is subtract 3 milliseconds
You can also use the less than '<' without the equal. So that you don't need 23:59:59.
Eg. WHERE DateCreated < '20111201 00:00:00'
Try this, it could be helpful for you I use one of these two ways to work with time portion in DATETIME fields to do comparisons EX: get a user log for one day, i.e. from Today's date at 12:00:00 AM till Today's date but at 12:00:00 PM
DECLARE @FromDate datetime
DECLARE @ToDate datetime
SET @FromDate = GETDATE()
Print '------------------------ '
PRINT @FromDate
SET @FromDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(varchar(11),@FromDate, 111 ) + ' 00:00:00', 111)
SET @ToDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(varchar(11),@ToDate, 111 ) + ' 23:59:59', 111)
Print '------------------------ '
PRINT @FromDate
SET @TEST_FROM = dateadd(month,((YEAR(@FromDate)-1900)*12)+MONTH(@FromDate)-1,DAY(@FromDate)-1) + ' 12:00:00'
SET @TEST_TO = dateadd(month,((YEAR(@ToDate)-1900)*12)+MONTH(@ToDate)-1,DAY(@ToDate)-1) + ' 23:59:59'
Print '------------------------ '
This will print the following in SQL Query editor screen
Dec 28 2011 3:18PM
Dec 28 2011 3:18PM
Dec 28 2011 12:00AM
Dec 28 2011 11:59PM
Dec 28 2011 12:00PM
Dec 28 2011 11:59PM
References The way using the convert is from my experience, the other way is from this link http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/archive/2007/01/02/56079.aspx Have fun :)
Try this query for using Datetime datatype to get
2018-01-29 23:59:59.997
select dateadd(ms, -3, (dateadd(day, +1, convert(varchar, GETDATE(), 101))))
declare @myDate DateTime, @lastMonth DateTime, @thisMonth DateTime
set @myDate = GETDATE()
set @lastMonth = DateAdd(month, -1, CAST(@myDate as Date))
set @thisMonth = DateAdd(day, -DatePart(day, @myDate)+1, CAST(@myDate as Date))
select @myDate as MyDate, DateAdd(day, -DatePart(day, @lastMonth) + 1, @lastMonth) FirstDay, DateAdd(second, -1, @thisMonth) LastDay
Try This:
SELECT dateadd(millisecond,-1,cast(cast(getdate() AS date) AS datetime2))
SELECT DATEADD(ms, -2, CAST(CONVERT(date, DATEADD (DAY,1,getdate())) AS varchar(10)))
output: yyyy-mm-dd 23:59:59.997
2020-08-31 23:59:59.997
I hope someone finds this useful
declare @TodaysDate smalldatetime
declare @TodaysDatepm smalldatetime
First I get the date and Time as of Midnight i.e 16/05/2021 12:00 am
set @TodaysDate = DATEADD(minute, 0,CAST(FLOOR(CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS float)) AS datetime))
Then I add 23hours and 59 minutes onto it i.e (60*23)+59 Which gives 1439, from there I use the the dateadd function
set @TodaysDatepm =DATEADD(minute, 1439, @TodaysDate)
This will always print out midnight of what you set in @TodaysDate
Print @TodaysDatepm