iam doing something like this
var _orgElm = $(this).clone(true);
$.fn.custumResize = function() {
return this.each(function() {
// problem is here
// when i apply this function an element, it reads width correctly.
//but when i do this on elements clone it reads zero is there is,
// anyway i can read clone width also
//some code here ............
开发者_Python百科 }
I suspect the problem is that the clone has not been added to the document yet. Try inserting it in the DOM and then get the width.
You have a typo (custumResize -> customResize), but you probably already know that.
Anyhow, try defining your plugin outside the ready
event like this:
$.fn.customResize = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(function() {
var elem = $('.some-element');
var clone = elem.clone();