I am trying to install droid fu through git bash. ive done everything success fully. the only problem is when i do "mvn install" 开发者_如何转开发it gives me this error "sh.exe : command not found.
I am following the instructions from github droid fu. but this error is stopping me
> Step 2: Install the Android JARs to your local Maven repository
Droid-Fu must be compiled against the android.jar and maps.jar library files. Since the build is driven by Maven, you must provide these JARs as artifacts to Maven during the compile stage, otherwise the build will fail. We can do this with the maven-android SDK deployer.
$ git clone https://github.com/mosabua/maven-android-sdk-deployer.git
$ cd maven-android-sdk-deployer
$ mvn install
(requires ANDROID_HOME to point to your SDK home)
This will install all JAR files from $ANDROID_HOME/platforms and $ANDROID_HOME/add-ons as Maven artifacts.
im stuck where it says mvn install by the error above.
I assume you are trying to do this under windows (because of sh.exe). Do you have cygwin installed? try running the command sh -help
from your command prompt (start->run->cmd
), do you still get this error?