
Refresh icon for button

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-22 08:06 出处:网络
I need to find an image like the Refresh button in IE that I can use for a button.The button will refresh the data on one of my forms.

I need to find an image like the Refresh button in IE that I can use for a button. The button will refresh the data on one of my forms.

Where can I find an image like this and how do 开发者_JAVA百科I make it appear on the button?

Refresh-button by using standard font "Wingdings 3" with symbol 80 or 81:

button1.Font = new Font("Wingdings 3", 20, FontStyle.Bold);
button1.Text = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(81); // or 80
button1.Width = 40;
button1.Height = 40;

Refresh icon for button

Google is your friend.

myButton.Image = new Bitmap(pathToImageFile);

Or just assign the image property through the property sheet in the Visual Studio IDE.

More possible icons here (which are IE style... though you never specified what version of IE). And here!

Refresh icon for button

If you need a image as well as refresh icon, here:

Ajax loading image generator

For the button, I think you may set the image properties of button sample code like:

this.mybutton.Image = new Bitmap("refresh.jpg");

You may find Refresh symbol within standard Unicode Keyboard Symbols: Reload, refresh ⟲ ⟳

Just copy paste it in Visual Studio to your button Content field. There is not need to specify special code.

Use this site: http://modernuiicons.com/

Copy tag and put it inside the tag.

Example for refresh icon inside a button:

<button width="45" height="45"><Path Width="34.8333" Height="41.1667" Canvas.Left="20.5833" Canvas.Top="17.4167" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#FF000000" Data="F1 M 38,20.5833C 42.9908,20.5833 47.4912,22.6825 50.6667,26.046L 50.6667,17.4167L 55.4166,22.1667L 55.4167,34.8333L 42.75,34.8333L 38,30.0833L 46.8512,30.0833C 44.6768,27.6539 41.517,26.125 38,26.125C 31.9785,26.125 27.0037,30.6068 26.2296,36.4167L 20.6543,36.4167C 21.4543,27.5397 28.9148,20.5833 38,20.5833 Z M 38,49.875C 44.0215,49.875 48.9963,45.3932 49.7703,39.5833L 55.3457,39.5833C 54.5457,48.4603 47.0852,55.4167 38,55.4167C 33.0092,55.4167 28.5088,53.3175 25.3333,49.954L 25.3333,58.5833L 20.5833,53.8333L 20.5833,41.1667L 33.25,41.1667L 38,45.9167L 29.1487,45.9167C 31.3231,48.3461 34.483,49.875 38,49.875 Z "/></button>

Don't forget to fix the width and height of the button to adjust the icon



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