I am getting this error on the following code, and cant figure out why. I think it is looping through each $call twice, but I dont know why. Anyone care to give me a hand proofreading?
PHP Notice: Undefined index: call in /var/www/swvx/timedcdr2.php on line 72
//to be polled every 30 seconds. should first get a list of accoutn IDs, then use them to get the CDR for the last day.
//include switchvox libraries
//define sql connection stuff
$db_host = "host";
$db_user = "user";
$db_pass = "secret";
$db = "db";
$table_sr = "tblSalesReps";
$table_cd = "tblCallsMadeReceived_raw";
$link = mssql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
//make sure we can connect
if (!$link || !mssql_select_db($db, $link)) {
die('Unable to connect or select database!');
//define pbx connection stuff
$sv_host = "url";
$sv_user = "user";
$sv_pass = "secret";
//query the salesrep table to find the account IDs available
$acid_sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_sr WHERE [pbx_accountid] > 0";
$acid_res = mssql_query($acid_sql);
//get and format the time and date as YYYY-MM-DD, format the time as HH:MM:SS
$date = date('Y') . "-" . date('m') . "-" . date('d');
$time = date('H') . ":" . date('i') . ":" . date('s');
//take only the last hour of results, rather than an entire day
$st_time = date('H')-1 . ":" . date('i') . ":" . date('s');
echo "<pre>";
while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($acid_res, MSSQL_ASSOC)) {
$req = new SwitchvoxRequest($sv_host, $sv_user, $sv_pass);
$reqpar = array
'account_ids' => array
'account_id' => array
'start_date' => array
$date . " " . $st_time
'end_date' => array
$date . " " . $time
'sort_field' => array
'sort_order' => array
$res = $req -> send("switchvox.callLogs.search", $reqpar);
$result = $res->getResult();
$calls = $result['calls']['total_items'];
echo "<br><br>";
if($result['calls']['call']) { //<====LINE 72 ################################
foreach($result['calls']['call'] as $call) {
$id = $call['id'];
//check to see if the call has already been logged
$id_sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_cd WHERE callID='$id'";
$id_res = mssql_query($id_sql);
$exid = mssql_fetch_array($id_res, MSSQL_ASSOC);
if($exid['callID']) {
//print_r($exid); //uncomment to show duplicate results
} elseif (!$exid['callID']) {
//print_r($call); //uncomment to show new results
//varialbes to insert
$from = $call['from_number'];
$to = $call['to_number'];
$durat = $call['talk_duration'];
$start = $call['start_time'];
$callid = $call['id'];
$calltype = $call['origination'];
//set the proper values into extension/phonenumber
if($calltype == "outgoing") {
$extension = $from;
$phonenumber = $to;
} else {
$extension = $to;
$phonenumber = $from;
//insert the data into the table
$fi_sql = "INSERT INTO $table_cd (extension, phonenumber, calldatetime, duration, callID, calltype) VALUES ($extension, $phonenumber, '$start', '$durat', '$callid', '$calltype')";
$fi_res = mssql_query($fi_sql);
edit- It does work; it just th开发者_如何转开发rows that error once in a while. At least I tihnk it works. I assume that it maybe gets to the last result of the pbx_accountid array and theres no more? I am going to count the number of times it goes, and see if it corresponds.
edit- yes, there are 20 occurences of the error every time it's run, and there are 20 account IDs. How do I force it to stop if there are no more call indexes?
Change this
if($result['calls']['call']) { //<====LINE 72 ################################
To this
if(isset($result['calls']['call'])) { //<====LINE 72 ################################
That notice means you're reading a variable which doesn't exist. You're doing so to check if the variable exists. There's a function to check if a variable exists without trying to read it, isset.