I am doing this in my paintEvent
painter.drawPie(rect, angle*16, 45*16);
But before drawing the pie I want to know whether the current mouse position lies under the pie region or not.
Mouse tracking is开发者_Python百科 on. And I can get the mouseEvents. No problem from that side. But what is the math involved to know wheather the point lies inside the pie or not?
It's unfortunate that QPainterPath doesn't have an addPie() function. You can, however, use Qt's implementation of QPainter::drawPie() as a reference:
You can essentially create the QPainterPath the same way they do it and call contains() on it.
I have not tried this, but you could try to intersect two QPainterPaths (one triangle and one circle) to get a QPainterPath for your pie-segment and then call QPainterPath::contains(QPointF&) with the mouse position as parameter.
Now that I write this, the check is probably easy to implement: if the point is inside the circle and inside the triangle, then it's inside the pie. Both subtests are easy to implement.