I have some Maps which I would like to calculate the cartesian product of. Can someone please suggest a good algorithm:
Key1 {100,101,102}
Key2 {200,201}
Key3 {300}
Required Output: (Order does matter)
Map is dynamic so Key and values can vary in size.
You will want to switch to using a LinkedHashMap so that order is preserved when you're iterating over keys.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class CartesianPrint {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer,List<Integer>> groupMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>();
groupMap.put(1,Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{100,101,102}));
groupMap.put(2,Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{200,201}));
groupMap.put(3,Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{300}));
List<List<Integer>> values = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(groupMap.values());
int[] printList = new int[values.size()];
static void print(List<List<Integer>> values, int[] printList, int level){
for (Integer value: values.get(level)) {
printList[level] = value;
if(level == 0){
Same as Ondra Žižka, if you don't need a map, take a List it works the same way. Here is a not so optimized way (I should clone instead of recalculating product in recursion. But the idea is still here and its pretty short. I took special care to keep correct order, that's why I run through List backwards.
public static List<List<Integer>> getCart(List<List<Integer>> a_list) {
List<List<Integer>> l_result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
if (a_list == null || a_list.isEmpty()) {
l_result.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
return l_result;
for (Integer l_value : a_list.get(a_list.size()-1)) {
List<List<Integer>> l_resultPortion = getCart(a_list.subList(0, a_list.size() - 1));
for (List<Integer> l_list : l_resultPortion) {
return l_result;
I suggest to create a store of tuples (triplet in your example).
List<List<Integer>> store = new LinkedList();
Then create a Stack
of numbers.
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack();
Then write a recursive function:
In each recursive function call, push the actually processed value of the array into the stack, and add the current tuple to the store.
private static process( Iterator<String> keys ){
// Bottom-most key
if( ! keys.hasNext() ){
// Construct the tuple from the stack and add it to store.
else {
String currentKey = keys.next();
List<Integer> numbers = map.get( currentKey );
for( int i : numbers ){
stack.push( i );
process ( keys );
stack.pop(); // Dispose processed number.
I hope I figured out the problem right (no guarantee). Sorry for not implementing it whole but that's your homework :)