Now i need to give this page a url like[COMPANY NAME]_medicine_[DISEASE].html
I am using Cakeph开发者_运维知识库p framework for development. Is there anyway to implement this url formatting in routes.php ? Or is there any other way ? please about separating them with slashes?
Router::connect('/:company/medicine/:disease', array('controller' => 'diseases', 'action' => 'index'),
and the controller
function diseases($company,$disease){
I'm not sure if you can use the underscore instead of the slashes, I have never tried it before. if you do try I'd like to know the results =)
Good Luck
EDITED: ok, i was too curious about this issue and i wrote a route like this
Router::connect('/:company_medicine_:disease', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'test'),
and its not working u_U
as i suspected, the problem is that Cake thinks that the name of the custom route element is :company_medicine
and not :company
.. after a few minutes regarding/reading the code of Cake i found out the exact place where Cake parses the route and extracts the names of the passed elements. It's in /cake/libs/router.php in the class CakeRoute, method _writeRoute() (about line 1369):
preg_match_all('#:([A-Za-z0-9_-]+[A-Z0-9a-z])#', $parsed, $namedElements);
so as you can see in the regexp, the names of the elements can contain an underscore,therefore Cake thinks the name of the parameter is ":company_medicine". So you have four solutions:
- use slashes as separators for your urls
- change the order of your parameter so it would be
modify the line 1369 of the router.php to this (NOT RECOMENDED, i think it will break routes for plugins):
preg_match_all('#:([A-Za-z0-9]+)#', $parsed, $namedElements);
use url rewrite in your .htaccess to redirect all
so cake will see it separated by slashes and the browser will see it separated bu underscores. (I haven't tested it, i've never added another rule to the .htaccess for Cake =P)