I'm curious to know your ideas on the best methodology to build offline-capable mobile web apps on to provide the best UX to the end user.
The end product should use localstorage and appcache but be completely transparent to the user (i.e. for cache manifest, if a user navigates away from the page before everything is downloaded, the caching is restarted).
Is the only method to provide this functionality to build it for example on Backbone.js and have a single page app where the downloads can happen asynchronously in the background?
What other f开发者_开发技巧rameworks / technologies have you come across?
Let's see, offline web-apps? The two big things that I think do the trick are:
- Local storage Embedded images w/Data URI's
- (http://css-tricks.com/5970-data-uris/) Embedding
- Javascript/stylesheets in the page (no external files that are
required for the site)
Together, those make a pretty solid offline app which is able to function without an internet connection.