I have an html page with a jqgrid. These hqgrid retreve data in json from a php script. jQgrid retrieve data by default requesting this url:
but I would this url modified in this mode:
This is a little part of my code:
datatype: "json",
height: 150,
How can I do it? Thank you so much.
I don't think that the usage of url
in the form in which you as describe is a good idea. The way seems me not good from the architecture point of view.
Nevertheless from the technical side the dynamic modification of the url
is do possible. One can use beforeRequest event like the following:
beforeRequest: function() {
var p = this.p, pd = p.postData;
p.url = '/base/' + pd.rows + '/' + pd.page + '/' +
encodeURIComponent(pd.sidx) + '/' + pd.sord;
p.postData = {};
In the way the URL used will be like you as need: see the demo here. Using Fiddler or Firebug for example you can verify which URL will be used.