Still new to Ruby - I apologize in advance if this has been asked.
I am using HTTParty to get data from an API, and it is returning an array of JSON data that I can't quite figure out how to parse.
I guess the first question is that I don'开发者_高级运维t really know what I am looking at. When I do response.class
I get HTTParty::Response
. It appears to be a Hash inside an array? I am not sure. Anyway, I want a way to just grab the "LABEL" for every separate array, so the result would be "hello", "goodbye".
How would I go about doing so?
you don't need to parse it per say. what you could do is replace ':' with '=>' and evaluate it.
example: say you have ["one":"a","two":"b"]
, you could set s to equal that string and do eval s.gsub(/^\[/, '{').gsub(/\]$/, '}').gsub('":', '"=>')
will yield a ruby hash (with inspect showing {"one"=>"a", "two"=>"b"})
alternatively, you could do something like this
require 'json'
string_to_parse = "{\"one\":\"a\",\"two\":\"b\"}"
parsed_and_a_hash = JSON.parse(string_to_parse)
parsed_and_a_hash is a hash!
If that's JSON, then your best bet is to install a library that handles the JSON format. There's really no point in reinventing the wheel (although it is fun). Have a look at this article.
If you know that the JSON data will always, always be in exactly the same format, then you might manage something relatively simple without a JSON gem. But I'm not sure that it's worth the hassle.
If you're struggling with the json gem, consider using the Crack gem. It has the added benefit of also parsing xml.
require 'crack'
my_hash_array = Crack::JSON.parse(my_json_string)
my_hash_array = Crack::XML.parse(my_xml_string)