I want to create a web-app (a website) used in house by staff only.
I want to use active directory membersip provider to authenticate users. The thing that is confusing me is how do I manage profiles and roles, and also link users with a FK to other tables.
So far Im thinking of doing something like this but not sure if it is even possible?
- use Windows authentication (set in web.config)
- use activedirectorymembership provider + sqlmembership provider?
- Register users the first time they hit the site (get their email, name, etc from开发者_运维技巧 AD and create user in code and add to sql db)
- Everytime they re-hit the site, check the db if the user exists, if they do, log them in, if not create a new user in sqlmembership.
- for all other tables use userid from Aspnet_User as an FK in other tables
Will this even work? or is there a better obvious way of doing this?
When using the ActiveDirectory Membership provider, you're authenticating your users against your Active Directory - there's no separate membership database involved (the user accounts are in Active Directory).
The role provider is using the Active Directory/Windows security groups and a user's membership in those groups - again: no separate role database / table involved.
If you want to use the Active Directory provider, then each new user coming to your site would need to be added to your Active Directory as a regular user account.
You cannot use both membership providers at the same time - either you're going against your AD and use the user accounts and groups defined there - (exclusive) OR you're rolling your own, and store user accounts and roles and user's membership in roles in a separate SQL Server database.
could you create a custom role and profile provider?
than you can use the windows username as fk, to reference the user to their roles and profiles.